I have been searching for accomodation that suits me, I don%26#39;t particularly want a condo (but may end up there...). I have seen a lovely cottage in Paia, that is SO appealing, if it happens to be free, I think I%26#39;d like to rent it. But I know nothing (and I mean NOTHING) about Paia itself. Could anybody fill me in?
I do not need a rip roaring nightlife, my husband and I can drink our copious amounts of wine in our own little place...amusing ourselves (we think we%26#39;re very funny). I do need a few restaurants locally, and grocery stores (we have a car), maybe a bar or two. And how far a drive is it from Lahaina?
Is the north shore rough in February? Is this part of the Island more for surfing and windsurfing, not whale watching and snorkelling and swimming? I%26#39;m fine with that, I just like to know. My hubby LOVES all the above, and he also loves photography, this might be a very nice part of the Island for us.
I%26#39;m intrigued. Can anybody fill me in?
Much appreciative.
PaiaI would ask the cottage owners if there are any roosters in the neighborhood. some neighborhoods have them and some don%26#39;t. Also ask if they are a legal, licensed rental.
Paia is three blocks long and mainly attracts surfers.There are excellent windsurf conditions.
There is no wharf or boat excursions from the immediate area.
They have a good health food store in Paia.
I takes about 45 minutes to drive to Lahaina
PaiaI like Paia, small and kind of funky - but make sure the rental is legal/licensed, as there are many that are not and the county is working on putting a stop to that. I think of it as sort of a gateway between the resort areas and city that leads to Hana and upcountry. Upcountry is my absolute favorite part of the island!
I would allow at least an hour to get to Lahaina from there. However South Maui would take less time, so all it all I think Paia a reasonable location for seeing the island and kicking back.
We found Paia very interesting and fun. Sort of a throw back to ';hippy days';.
Several really good shops and very friendly people as well. I can%26#39;t be much help about staying there but it certainly is worth looking into if you are at all interested.
You will find some restaurants and actual nightlife in Paia. I don%26#39;t remember a grocery store but there may be one. The north shore is definately not the swimming/snorkeling beach. You%26#39;ll want to head across the island for that. If you are going in whale season I%26#39;ve been told you won%26#39;t see them there either. The whales hang out in the channel between Maui and Molokai/Lanai.
Intriguing is the word and I%26#39;ve thought about it. It would be a totally different Maui experience than what most of the posts on this board are about.
Thanks everyone - I have checked, and the property is a legal rental (but I forgot to ask about roosters....). I%26#39;m giving it some thought, and I may well end up with this option for at least part of my vacation, just as a change of pace from the norm (because I%26#39;m really not the norm anyway..!!)
You will see whales from any point on Maui. That being said, the most whales are in the south/southwest part of the island. Snorkeling around Paia is practically non-existant. The shore is susceptable to large waves during the winter months. Paia is an old plantation town turned hippie/surfer/grunge type area now. Lots of restaraunts, stores, etc. There is a health food store on Baldwin Ave. You will have to travel for beautify sunsets. As others have said, check to make sure this is a licensed vacation rental.
Diamondlover - if you do decide to give the place a try, would you please post a report upon your return? Many folks would like to stay in that area and many folks are not B%26amp;B types, it would be helpful to future travelers.
I absolutely will post a report upon my return, if I end up staying here. It sounds so very intriguing. My husband and I just backpacked Italy and Austria to celebrate my 50th (we loved Cinque Terre, which is also not the norm...) so hippie/grungy would probably be just fine with us.
The spot I%26#39;m looking at in Paia is a lovely oceanfront cottage for $199 a night, and it looks so beautiful. I can imagine sipping wine looking at the surfers and windsurfers, how fun would THAT be. Even for a few days. And it%26#39;s a rocky shore in front of the cottage, so there wouldn%26#39;t be any late night parties out front.
I promise to keep you posted, and thank you all for your advice. Feel free to continue posting any and all thoughts/advice!!
Are you sure this is a legal rental? This is an oceanfront cottage in Pa`ia town?
No, NOT right in the town, in the area. Sorry, I should have been more specific.
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