Sunday, April 15, 2012

Will April 10-19 Be a good time to see whales?

Family and I are headed back to Kauai in April for our third trip. We are bringing my aunt with us and we want to show her the best of paradise. I was wondering if it would be a good time to see whales on perhaps a sunset cruise?

Counting down the days til paradise....

Michigan Girl

(Shoveled over a foot of snow here today and it%26#39;s still coming down....)

Will April 10-19 Be a good time to see whales?

%26lt;%26lt;Michigan Girl

(Shoveled over a foot of snow here today and it%26#39;s still coming down....)%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

HAHAHA Michigan Girl I feel your pain - we have done the snow once already today and there is a ton more on the ground already! Kauai does sound wonderful right now!

Whales in April - You basically will be catching the tail end of the whales, perhaps you may see a few. We have gone in April right at the end and saw a couple, nothing like we see in Feb.

Kauai is a wonderful place isn%26#39;t it! Sure beats Michigan! But till the College Tuition payments stop I guess we will have to live with the snow! Maybe some serious thoughts for when we reach the age of retirement to live in warmth :)

Have a wonderful trip!

Will April 10-19 Be a good time to see whales?


You beat me to the post! :) Yep, April is late in the season but I%26#39;ve seen a few that time of year. Obviously, the chances of seeing whales is much better earlier in the year. I used to take the family in early March for my birthday and we saw quite a few then. Better in February but you might get lucky in April.


Wish I could be there now :( I teach so I have to go when we get holidays!

I%26#39;m over the snow...

Whales were playing in Hanalei Bay this week. April might be a bit late, but the turtles and monk seals will be here to greet you.

For those of you in the snow, it is HOT today on Kauai. :)

Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

A girlfriend took me down to the beach in front of the Waiohai today (she said I HAD to get out of the house!) - we stayed about 2 hours and had quite a show - there was a monk seal sleeping to our left and a whole pod of whales playing just out from us - jumping completely out of the water - it was an amazing show - and we were enjoying it from the beach as well!

The water was perfect as well - just the right amount of briskness, but then lovely!

Malama Pono,


I got out of the house too yesterday. I shoveled a total of 8 houses (we have elderly neighbors!) Some houses I shoved a total of four times. The temp is frigid 23 and this week our high is expected around 12. If I could be in Kauai right now, I would. Let me know when you need some more good teachers!

I%26#39;m so sorry you Michiganders have so much snow. Grew up in N.W. Ohio and now live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I don%26#39;t miss the snow at all.

We go early April (4/4-11/09 this year) almost every year and see whales when we go out on the sunset cruise with Kauai Sea Tours.

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