Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kauai Wx now. 0930, sun 1/11

With all of the weather guessers telling us of this fast moving front, rain, and T-storms, I remarked on another post, our forcasts have a lot of leeway.

Apparently that front passed over us last night, and we did not hear a thing. No rain, no thunder.

This morning the dopler radar on the WX channel showed it past oahu,and approaching maui. That puppy is fast moving.

Currently I am looking out the window at blue skies, sunshine, warm temps, calm wind, with a choppy ocean..this is from Banyon Harbor in Lihue.

Weather reports still calling for occsional rain and possible thunder storms. The weather can change abrubtly here, so be aware, but it looks great so far today, and I have been up since 04:00.


Kauai Wx now. 0930, sun 1/11

Up here in Moloa`a we got some torrential rain last night, but it moved through pretty quickly. This morning was gorgeous. Now (noon) it%26#39;s high overcast but pretty bright. Warm with just a hint of breeze.

Kauai Wx now. 0930, sun 1/11

We left shortly after the original post to drive up to the Kuilau Ridge Trail.

It must have been really storming up there. Trees were uprooted, limbs broken off, limbs, and branches covering the trail, along with rocks, mud , twigs, and other debris.

It almost looked like a tornado slamed into the area.

The ripped up areas were not continuous, but in spots of a hundred or so yards, then no debris, then another shredded area.

It was pretty sunny when we started, but as we headed back down the trail to the car, clouds were starting to roll in over the hills and around Mt. Waialeale. Looked like the north may have been pretty much covered in clouds.

Well, we have found, if it looks good, do not wait around, since that sunny condition can change rather quickly. we were out of here, and off to enjoy.

Felt great to get out and still love the lushness and green scenery of the kuilau trail.

Looked for but could not see any waterfalls on Mt. Waialeale...the vertical erosion, from the previous falls were clearly visible, however.

we still have a little sun, here at Banyon Harbor, but Mt. Ha%26#39;upu and Poipu appear to be blessed with some cloud cover.


The storm came fast and furious. I was watching the news and they said the North Shore would see rain in 30 minutes. Exactly 29 minutes later it came with a punch. 50 mile an hour winds. It only lasted 30 minutes. The thunder and lightening weren%26#39;t bad but the rain was unreal. Driving into Lihue today I saw many uprooted trees. If one were driving at 10PM last night they were in danger. Blue skies today, some clouds this afternoon and a lovely evening tonight.

Just another day in paradise!

In Poi%26#39;pu, it was rockin%26#39; around 10pm...rain, wind, rain, wind for over an hour. I was glad it happened at night and not in the am cuz of all the %26#39;flash flood%26#39; alerts on the tube. Had to make it to the airport (boo-hoo). I%26#39;m back in rainyportland and it will be a rude awakening (literally) to find myself back here when I rise.

Say hi to the sun and the waves for me...wave to the palms for me...say aloha to all the wonderful people who make Kauai the friendliest place on earth for me please!


8:18 AM and a picture perfect day on the NS. No rain, no wind, no storm many told us was coming. Just 8 foot waves in the bay (all you surfers get over here), blue skies and plenty of sunshine. Had dinner at Naneas at The Westin and again very good. No wild kids around, Denny!

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